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over 7 years ago

Can I apply lay up by post?

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How can we
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1 Answer


You can submit your lay up application by post. Please submit your application at least 2 weeks before the current road tax or the lay up period expires.

Documents required:

• Duly completed M05 form (Application to lay up a vehicle/change of garage address for laid up vehicle) and duly signed by the registered owner of the vehicle. Please also include the registered owner's contact number;

• Photocopy of the registered owner’s ID document (NRIC for Singaporean & Malaysian, Passport for foreigner other than Malaysian) endorsed/signed by the registered owner;

• Supporting document to show proof that permission has been obtained from the premise owner to allow the vehicle to be parked at the said premise during the entire lay up period (if the premise does not belong to the registered owner);

• Letter from workshop confirming that the vehicle is under repair at their premise (if the declared garage address is in Malaysia);

• Cheque payment of $5.35 (inclusive of GST). Make the cheque payable to “Land Transport Authority” or “LTA”. Please write your contact number and vehicle registration number on the back of the cheque. Post-dated cheque is not acceptable.

Please note that a vehicle under lay up status cannot be used or kept on public roads or place. In your application, you will be required to declare to LTA the place where the vehicle is to be garaged during the entire lay up period. Please inform LTA in writing prior to any change of garage address, as it is an offence not to do so.

Please note that there will be no backdating of lay up commencement date. Any outstanding road tax and applicable late payment fee before the lay up commencement date is payable.

A period of 1 year (max) or shorter, as determined by the Registrar, may be granted for a lay up application. Please note that a vehicle can only be laid up for 3 consecutive years. If the vehicle is not re-licensed by the third year, it will be de-registered automatically at the end of the third year. Once a vehicle is de-registered, it will not be allowed to be re-registered or re-licensed. The owner will have to show documentary evidence of disposal within 1 month of de-registration of the vehicle.

Source: LTA


over 7 years ago