How can we
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asked about Car Insurance

about 4 years ago

What can i do if a natural disaster happened that involved my car? (E.g flood, car fall, etc)

377 Views 1 Answer

How can we
assist you?

1 Answer

Cheryl Wong

Hi Pek Kong,

If you do not have existing car insurance, fret not! Motorist offers comprehensive car insurance. Do submit an enquiry here: and our consultants would contact you soon.

If you have an existing insurance plan, you can check with your insurance agent to see if they cover for you.

A natural disaster is typically defined by travel insurance plans as “a flood, fire, hurricane, tornado, earthquake, volcanic eruption, blizzard, or avalanche that is due to natural causes.” But it is important to note that not all these disasters are included in every plan’s description of coverage.

I would advise you to take all the necessary pictures and sending them to your insurance agent to see how much coverage they can offer you.


about 4 years ago