asked about On The Road

almost 5 years ago

Can i drive a OPC in Malaysia? Do i need to purchase e-day license in Malaysia?

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All Singapore-registered vehicle including Off-Peak Car (OPC)/Revised OPC (ROPC)/Weekend Car (WEC) seeking entry and use in Malaysia are under the purview of the Malaysian Authority and subject to their legal requirements on foreign vehicles in Malaysia.

For clarification on the usage of Singapore-registered vehicles in Malaysia, you may wish to contact :-

Malaysian High Commission

301 Jervois Road

Singapore 490777

Tel: 62350111

Ibu Pejabat Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan

Aras 1-5 Blok D4, Parcel D

Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan

62020 Putrajaya

Tel: (60) 03-8886 6400

Fax: (60) 03-8888 9645

Email: [email protected]


Source: LTA


almost 5 years ago