$1,117.71 /mth
Interest Rate
Min Loan Amount
Max Loan Tenure
7 yrs
Electric Vehicle Loan,
$80,000 for 84 months
Last Updated: 13/12/2024
Financing Period: 1 to 7 years
Maximum Financing Period: Age of Vehicle + Financing Period = Not Exceeding 10 Years
Minimum Financing Amount: S$30,000 FOR 2.48% & 2.78% NEW/USED/EV CAR
Minimum Financing Amount: S$15,000 FOR 2.88% COE CAR
Minimum Financing Amount: S$80,000 FOR 2.18% NEW/USED CAR (PROMOTIONAL PERIOD FROM 10/12/2024 TO 31/12/2024)
Maximum Financing Amount: Up to 70% of purchase price or bank's valuation whichever is lower if OMV is lesser than or equal to S$20,000; or Up to 60% of purchase price or bank's valuation whichever is lower if OMV is more than S$20,000
Early Settlement Fee: An early settlement fee of 20% of Interest Rebate based on Rule of 78 will apply throughout the finance period for both Hire Purchase Act and Non-Hire Purchase Act cases
Early Settlement Penalty: 1% on the outstanding amount owed
Early Settlement Notification Period: 30 working days' prior written notice, or otherwise, payment 1 month's interest in lieu